~London W. Baker
Monday, November 25, 2013
Hey everyone!! Just thought I'd let you lot know I made an instagram dollstagram!!! Well Mum did. It was just made so it doesn't have many pictures but its got a few! Our username is anthrodollogie. Same as our Etsy ... which hasn't fully been established as we haven't put anything in it yet but we will let you know when we do!!! Anyway feel free to follow the dollstagram!! See you later!!! :)
~London W. Baker
~London W. Baker
Saturday, November 9, 2013
I'm Back!!!
Afternoon everyone!! Once again I apologize for the lack of posts. :( However traveling is over and I am now able to post again!!!! :D I'm SOO excited!!! Mum did a quick photo shoot today so I thought I'd share some pics with ya. :)
Testing out some effects. Though it's not focused quite right. :\
Again the focus is off! :(
This is focused a lot better.
I really like how this one turned out. Mum says it really brings out the color in my face haha.
Really like the contrast with the reddish brown wood and my purple top.
So yeah!!
My outfit was all from Elegant Basics except for my hat which is AG.
Well gotta go do some school. :( See you later!!
~London W Baker
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Hello!!! I feel horrible for not posting lately but this is the first chance I got to get my hands on a computer! You see Mum is traveling abroad and picking up Sam and Jules but she is gone for two months and left me with her cousin's dolls and with all the doll clothes which means I am stuck here and not much happens when Mum leaves so not much blogging. ;( I sincerely apologize for this. However possibly Mum's cousin can take some pictures for me for the blog!! Anyway that's just an update for ya!! Ttyl!!!
~London W Baker
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sleepover Adventure!!
Ok so I really don't know how to start this...have you ever gone to a friends house and just stared at the mass of clothes they had in complete awe? Well I have. My friends' closet (well I should say closet due to the fact that they desperate the clothes amongst the five of them) has the most clothes I've seen since Sam went to the AG place in New York. I mean it seemed endless!! I took soooo many pictures!!
We started out with a beach party Emily (one of the gals) had planned. First we're portraits.
Unfortunately I ACCIDENTALLY deleted Emily's picture. :-/ Anyway first was Amy. Then Saige (who was one of the prettiest dolls I've EVER seen). Then Lanie (who recently received a downy dunk and now has straight hair) then moi.
Next we had beach soccer.
Saige won so she got one gold star.
Next up was the arts and crafts contest.
The challenge was to make an instrument with three "ingredients": a plate, a piece of paper, and a string. I won that one so I got one gold star.
Next we had a three legged race.
Emily and I won so we each got a gold star!
Then we had a pet race.
Emily's pet won so she got a third gold star.
That was the end of the beach party but first we got awards!
Saige got third, I got second, and Emily got first.
Then we went to a gala in FABULOUS dresses!!
Then we took a pic of all the gals and their pets.
Even Julie woke up for the picture! She just returned from the hospital after having a rough plane ride.
Then we went into a MASSIVE fashion show!!
(By the way - see that guitar I'm holding with the orange dress?? That was an extra their grandma got from eBay and she gave it to me!!)
But yeah so that was my awesome sleepover adventure!! How was your guys weekend??
~London W Baker
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Hello everyone!
Hey everyone! So...sorry I haven't posted in a while we've been super busy. :(
So I received a shipment from Aude over at the AMAZING Etsy store, Elegant Basics! :D It was my very first Etsy order and I was SUPER excited!! I was very impressed with everything and am super happy with it! I took pictures from when it first arrived but I haven't uploaded them yet so no pictures yet. We will be taking pictures of everything soon.
See ya around!
~London W. Baker
So I received a shipment from Aude over at the AMAZING Etsy store, Elegant Basics! :D It was my very first Etsy order and I was SUPER excited!! I was very impressed with everything and am super happy with it! I took pictures from when it first arrived but I haven't uploaded them yet so no pictures yet. We will be taking pictures of everything soon.
See ya around!
~London W. Baker
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Bye Bye Kanani
So Kanani is officially gone. It was sad to see her go. However before she was packaged and shipped off Mum let us have a fancy picnic! :) We invited our friend, Molly too! Molly doesn't get a chance to get out much so we were happy to have her! (And before you start going "Wheres Sam and Jules?!" lemme tell you that they were dreadfully upset they couldn't be here but WAY back before Mum decided to sell Kanani she promised Sam and Jules could go stay with our friends over Summer vacation.) So here are some beautiful pictures!! :D
As you can see we had a lovely display! There was a "Goodbye Kanani" sign, a sign for the picnic, lovely flowers with a ''K" written on it and delicious food!!! We had strawberries, cheese and crackers, salad, and jello!! :P
Here's all of us sitting around the picnic and enjoying each others company!
Mum got out little mustaches and lips!!! Heres all of us with our mustaches
And here is us with the lips!! (Mum also set up a sign that said 'Foto Fun') :P
We were sad when we had to say goodbye and we will miss her. At least we got to have one last fun fling!!! :)
~London W. Baker
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Etsy Questions
Hey everyone :) Just a few quick questions...
How much would you pay for...
How much would you pay for...
a simple high low skirt?
a high waist skirt?
a pair of shorts?
a pair of jeans?
a simple skirt?
Thanks a million!
~London W. Baker <3
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Katie Dorn Doll Food Mall Pack From My American Girl's Story
Yay!! I've finally had time to get the pictures for this!! :D So without further adieu here is my Katie Dorn Doll Food Mall Pack that I received when I got FOURTH PLACE in My American Girl's Story. :)
Me with the lovely box (I already opened it)
Fully open so you can see it :)
Ze contents
This was inside with the pizza. Isn't it awesome?! Cute little business card for doll food!!
Full meal!!
Me sitting at a make shift table (We don't own an actual table so Mum flipped over a nearby planter that was an empty and I sat on the box) :P
Who said dessert can't go first? Wh-...whats that Mum? Oh...ok I guess I should've had pizza first...
Oh well!! Its all going in my tummy, right? Who really cares about order!! :)
Overall great items!! The quality is really nice and I like them a lot! The only thing I would say is that the foam on the drink isn't quite attached so when Mum examined it the straw just pulled it up and it all came up. :-/ But I'm sure some super glue can fix that. :) But yeah as I said overall GREAT quality!!
~London W. Baker
Dream. Dress. Play's Giveaway + Whats To Come
Yo what up fellow dollies and humans? Just a quick post. So Dream. Dress. Play. is having an awesome $25 gift card giveaway down at their blog!! (Click up there ^^^) Its really cool! They make awesome stuff over there! So...check it out!
Another post about Kanani
Cool right?
Here's a short list of whats to come soon:
Review of the doll food I got from My American Girl's Story's giveaway.
Some short Etsy talk and asking some questions about it (seeing what you lot think)
Luv ya!
~London W. Baker
P.S. NINE FOLLOWERS :D YAY!! Don't forget to tell your friends about this blog!! :)
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Closet4Chloe Contest/Giveaway - Helping out An Amazing Blogger
Hey everyone!! So an amazing blogger, My American Girl's Story, is having trouble with her blog and can't post the results to an awesome contest!! So I'm gonna help her out and post them here! Its a writing contest so its totally awesome! :)
“Where are the birds?” I thought. “All I wanted to do was to try Grandpa’s old binoculars.” Chick-a-dee-dee! “Where is that bird?” I grabbed my binoculars and put them up to my eyes. Oh, there it was! Up on the tree branch! There it was! I could already tell by the sound that it would be a chick-a-dee. But, I still wanted to see it. After all, I just came out here to use my binoculars. “Ella!” Mom was calling me from the house. “Yes?” I answered. “Time for dinner!” “OK!” I said. “I’m coming!” I ran to the house for dinner. Yum-Yum!
So there you have it! WONDERFUL entries!! Everyone did a great job!! Now its your turn!! Which one lift you wanting more? Which do you like best? Comment below with your answers!! :)
Sparkle Studios' Entry:
The End of Summer, but the Start of Something.
I cannot believe its fall already I am completely tuned out even though in walking down a busy street all I can hear is the unmistakable sound of my tall brown boots clicking along the pavement. Looking up at the changing color trees I realize that in a few days school will start up again I can’t believe that summer flew by so fast I clutch my new jacket as even though it’s sunny, I can feel the wind blowing through my blonde curly hair. Before I know it I’m standing in front of my best friend’s door, still tuned out, watching some birds chirp in a nearby tree, my friends little sister opens the door, we step down the long stairs and reach the sidewalk, still wearing her flip flops, my friend Darcy carries a small leather purse. Down the long sidewalk of small houses, and on the busy road. Up the hill and through the grass.
“Nervous for a new school year?” Darcy questions in a way that lets me know she is nervous.
“Yeah” I’m kind of quiet on the subject, I just can’t believe that we have to back to school again. Usually we have lots to talk about but not today. After five minutes of walking in silence I tune out again all I can hear is the click of my brown boots, and flopping of Darcy’s turquoise flip flops. A rhythm forms in my head flip flop, click, chirp chirp, flip flop, click. Chirp.
“Hello? Hello?” Darcy looks at me funny.
“Oh sorry, I’ve been tuning out lately” I tilt my head towards her and start to tune out again, I can’t help it. Usually I’m bursting with energy, but I guess having a quiet summer had its effect on me. Darcy and I go back to small talk, how was your summer, where did you go. I guess it was a good conversation because we arrived at the small store in what felt a very short time. The shop was small, it looked like a log cabin that should be out in the woods, not it a city. A small sign hung above the log door “Vinique’s.” Darcy and I stepped through the little door that was set up to ring a bird chime when it was opened. Valarie, the store keeper, sat at her desk as she always did, building a bird house. Darcy headed to the baked treats section, I wandered over to the cooler, Valarie always had something in the cooler. Today there was something new in the cooler though, there were small bottles each filled with a bright colored liquid, each one labeled with a black and white photography of a horseshoe with the flavor and the brand name “Clover Soda.” I decided to try one, I walked up the front counter trying to get the right amount of change out of my worn in denim jean skirt. By the time I had paid and the bird chime rang me out I found Darcy outside waiting for me, I also found that it had started to get really cloudy and looked like it was about to rain. As Darcy and I walked home we ate, Darcy was biting into a cupcake, as I twisted the top of my soda. The top of the bottle cap said “a fortune in ever bottle.” I didn’t really notice as I was more focused on what it would taste like. Darcy and I walked home talking about our new cloths for school, and what teacher we would want to get. I dropped my bottle cap in the meadow, when I bent down to pick it up I saw the fortune “If you drop something pick it up because it might be important.” I read it out loud to Darcy. Darcy didn’t make much of it I guess as her next remark was.
“Ooh scary”
To me it was kind of creepy, but something to shrug of obviously……
“Nervous for a new school year?” Darcy questions in a way that lets me know she is nervous.
“Yeah” I’m kind of quiet on the subject, I just can’t believe that we have to back to school again. Usually we have lots to talk about but not today. After five minutes of walking in silence I tune out again all I can hear is the click of my brown boots, and flopping of Darcy’s turquoise flip flops. A rhythm forms in my head flip flop, click, chirp chirp, flip flop, click. Chirp.
“Hello? Hello?” Darcy looks at me funny.
“Oh sorry, I’ve been tuning out lately” I tilt my head towards her and start to tune out again, I can’t help it. Usually I’m bursting with energy, but I guess having a quiet summer had its effect on me. Darcy and I go back to small talk, how was your summer, where did you go. I guess it was a good conversation because we arrived at the small store in what felt a very short time. The shop was small, it looked like a log cabin that should be out in the woods, not it a city. A small sign hung above the log door “Vinique’s.” Darcy and I stepped through the little door that was set up to ring a bird chime when it was opened. Valarie, the store keeper, sat at her desk as she always did, building a bird house. Darcy headed to the baked treats section, I wandered over to the cooler, Valarie always had something in the cooler. Today there was something new in the cooler though, there were small bottles each filled with a bright colored liquid, each one labeled with a black and white photography of a horseshoe with the flavor and the brand name “Clover Soda.” I decided to try one, I walked up the front counter trying to get the right amount of change out of my worn in denim jean skirt. By the time I had paid and the bird chime rang me out I found Darcy outside waiting for me, I also found that it had started to get really cloudy and looked like it was about to rain. As Darcy and I walked home we ate, Darcy was biting into a cupcake, as I twisted the top of my soda. The top of the bottle cap said “a fortune in ever bottle.” I didn’t really notice as I was more focused on what it would taste like. Darcy and I walked home talking about our new cloths for school, and what teacher we would want to get. I dropped my bottle cap in the meadow, when I bent down to pick it up I saw the fortune “If you drop something pick it up because it might be important.” I read it out loud to Darcy. Darcy didn’t make much of it I guess as her next remark was.
“Ooh scary”
To me it was kind of creepy, but something to shrug of obviously……
Silence's Entry
The Doe and Her Baby
I let my binoculars drop against my stomach, the leather strap pinching the skin on my neck as they fell. I ignored it though as I watched a doe and her baby pass by in front of me, stopping by a creek across the road. They lapped water up quietly and gently. I inched forward, cautiously watching my step, not wanting to make a noise. "Click," snapped my camera. I glanced down at the photo. She was looking straight at me, water dripping down her jowls. I clapped my hands over my mouth trying not to scream in delight. I suppressed it and sat back on my heels planning my next picture. This time the baby looked at me. I smiled as I pressed the shutter button down. "Click." Another amazing picture; the doe and her baby looking almost wistfully off into the distance.
I knew I should get home, back to my house. But something kept me there. Some feeling, a feeling of being free. But that nagging feeling of being responsible kept coming back, wouldn't leave me alone. I tried to shove it aside but couldn't. "The doe and her baby are so lucky" I thought, "to be free from responsibility." I sat there for hours, or so it felt, just watching the doe and her baby. They just stood there, lapping up water, free as a butterfly. "At any moment, any moment at all," I thought quietly to myself, "she could run into the distance with her baby. Happy, free..." I sighed quietly, imagining what it must feel like to be a deer. Wild, free, careless... If only humans could be as carefree as a deer. Not having to worry about chores or school or homework. Not having to worry about how to get somewhere or when.
"Uh oh..." I sighed quietly, a sinking feeling burrowing once again into my stomach. I glanced at my watch, this time letting the feeling stay. I quickly and quietly got up from my spot behind the bushes, where I could see the deer, yet not be seen. I had to get home. I had forgotten my chores and momma would not be happy. I was sad to leave the deer, yet I knew I couldn't, nor could anyone, be quite as free as them. I ran off into the sunset towards home, thinking about the doe and her baby.
Katie/AdollableDoll's Entry
I sighed to myself. If only I had a friend. A true friend. If only Karinna hadn't moved away. Normally she would accompany me on walks through the woods, but now.....Why did she have to move away? I thought. I wiped the tears from my cheeks. Why? She was my best friend. My only friend.
Turning abruptly, I no longer felt like bird watching. I just wanted Karinna to move back. I felt my throat tightening up. Tears started pouring down my face and I began to sob.
All of a sudden, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I spun around into the face of..........
Chloe's Entry
Lanie's Journal- October 18
As I slowly trekked through the woods, I thought why? Why do people have to die, and why do people have to be so cruel and rude? Why do they have do such things? Why does Aunt Sophie have to be so nasty? Why? With all these questions swirling around my head I knew one thing for sure; these wood feel like home. I didn't realize it at the time, but they gave me serenity. Like when I was with mum and we were up early in the morning to watch the sunrise, from the balcony, on our flat. But that doesn't happen anymore. It hasn't happened for a long, long time. Now though, when I'm walking through the wood with my new binoculars dad gave me for Christmas, wearing my favorite jacket, in my favorite color, olive green, dressed in the shirt mum helped me sew myself, and the boots mum gave me for my birthday, I felt like she was there walking through the woods with me, holding my hand, like she did when I was young. I thought I could hear her whisper words of encouragement in my ear.
"Lanie! Hurry up!"
As I marched down the stair case, I could see Aunt Sophie gobbling a pie- or something of the sort. I walked outside, she didn't seem to notice, and I saw a big yellow bus screeching around the corner. I was late. A flash of blue and green dashed around the corner, and ran after the bus. I shook my head in disbelief. There was still plenty of time before school started, I could walk. Rather then strolling along the sidewalk, I took the long way through the woods. Once again, I wondered why, but for a different reason this time. Why is this my destiny,my path? Why did I move to America? Mum often told me, things happen for the best. You may dislike your situation now, but in time, you will appreciate it.
In time I suppose, and most likely a lot of time. Maybe dad will come home. Maybe Aunt Sophie will become nicer. Maybe I'll make new friends. Maybe I'll enjoy my new school. Maybe I can watch the sunset from the front porch. Maybe I will like America more then England. I do believe one day I shall appreciate it. That day not being today, nor tomorrow. I know mum will never come back, but here in these woods, she is here, here in these woods. Our woods.
Heather's Entry:
I sighed happily and slunk underneath the weeping willow on BYU campus. Writing camp had ended about ten minutes ago and I still had an hour before my grandparents came to pick me up. Leaves cracked underneath me as I sat by the gnarly trunk. It was nice out, still a mild 85 degrees. I played with one of my bouncy blonde ringlets while I stared at myself in the fountain. Don't get me wrong, I'm not that vain. But hardly ever did I just get to be outdoors by myself, and I love reflections. I can see my hazel eyes and my tortoiseshell glasses. Ever since I'd moved to Utah from Arizona, my complexion had turned pale, except for my cheeks. My cheeks were dotted with freckles. I smiled to myself and turned away from the fountain.Raising my bird watching binoculars to my eyes, I gazed around the beautiful garden. The grass was green and tall, and the flowers were blooming nicely. A hummingbird flitted to a tall shrub- a boxwood, I think. Two baby birds started to fly overhead.
Suddenly, a car horn honked, breaking the silence. My grandmother's silver Tahoe had pulled into the parking lot. Slowly standing up,I ran past the lush foliage and opened the car door. I relaxed into the passenger side, smiling. The enchanting forest, shrubs, and greenery would still be here tomorrow, and I would be able to do so much more than bird watch. Interrupting my thoughts, my grandmother asked gently,"Did you have a good time?"
"It was magical."
Meg's Entry
DollyGirl's Entry
Karina Saves
The Day!
Chapter 1
Karina Gracie Herron stood still, entranced by the wonderful snowy world around her. It was hard being the middle child in a family of pioneers in 1864. Sometimes, she would wish she could live outside always, and be one with nature. But she knew that her wish would never come true, she was needed at home to cook and- “KARINA!” her mother’s voice rang loud and clear over the frost covered world. “Karina, why in the world are you standing there? There’s breakfast to be made, chores to be done, and Henrietta just dumped all my clean laundry out onto the dirty floor WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE ALREADY SCRUBBED!” Karina sighed. Henrietta was her 3 year old sister, who was always getting into trouble. “Sorry, Mama.” Karina apologized as she walked into the kitchen. “I was just looking at the snow, and I didn’t realize it was so late-“ “What’s for breakfast?” Karina’s twin brothers asked as they burst into the kitchen. “Nothing,” said Mama. “WHAT?!” Marcus and Marco bellowed. “I’m sorry!’ Karina wailed, “I didn’t mean to, the snow was just so pretty-“ “Well, that’s Karina for you.” said Marco. “Yeah, always daydreaming and ignoring her chores.” Marcus said with a scowl. “Well,” Mama said tartly, “You boys aren’t exactly perfect yourselves, always interrupting your sister.”. “Forgetting to make the breakfast for your whole family! We’ll all starve! That’s nothing compared to interrupting.” Marcus said sulkily. “Besides,” Marco put in, “We’re only twelve!”, “Karina is only ten, and she will be excused from the mere matter of forgetting breakfast. Why, when I was Karina’s age, I forgot breakfast a number of times myself!” Mama said with a dreamy, remembering look on her face. And as Karina beamed, Mama continued, “I will make the breakfast today Karina, and the twins will do all of your morning chores. Go and take the morning off, enjoy yourself!”! So off Karina went, running in the woods, lying in the snow, and climbing the beautiful frost covered trees. But Karina’s favorite place of all was her playhouse. She had made it herself, it had taken many days of hard work, many times of sneaking off at night in the summer, with the twins’ tools, but she had finished it! And it was definitely a thing to be proud of! She had gotten the wood after a storm that had felled a few trees, and she had carved wooden nails with Marcus’s knife. She had carved chairs, beds, tables, and dolls. Karina loved to carve dolls! She had made big, people sized ones to live in the playhouse, and to be her “friends”! She had taken old sacks, and dyed them with berry juice, and then she had sewed the cloth into beautiful clothes for the wooden people. She had braided the string from corn into thin, soft strands, and styled it in many different ways to make hair for the wooden people. She had carved dishes, shoes, toys, food, and even books for the wooden people. The wooden family consisted of Mama, a sweet looking doll that resembled Karina’s mama; two twins, who were always getting into mischief, and bothering Sally, a wooden girl who was Karina’s best friend; Papa, the father; Minnie, the 6 year old sister; and Elly, the baby. Karina dearly loved to hold Elly, and thought that aside from Sally, Elly was the best doll Karina had ever known! After playing for about an
hour in the playhouse, Karina realized that it was almost time for the mid-day meal, so she started heading home.
Grace's Entry
Hi. I'm Charlie (short for Charlotte). I'm a girl with a deep need to explore the world. When I was 4, I told my mom I wanted to go on a road trip. "Where to?" she asked. I told her I wanted to go to France. In the car. Yeah. Shows you how a 4 year old thinks. Anyway, the point of me telling you that was that I really, really like to explore and travel, and I have since I was little. I guess you could say I'm a born traveler.
When I turned 5, it was time to start up Kindergarten. My mom went to the local elementary school and enrolled me. On the first day of school, I came home upset with my mom for putting me in that horrible, time-wasting place. She convinced me to try for another day. My "public school history" is a total of 2 days. After that, my mom decided to homeschool me. Her friends kept telling her that she should have me checked out, and the word "autistic" kept floating around quietly. Both my mom and I know that I'm not autistic. I'm a normal girl who loves history, math, and science, and would rather get it done in 4 hours instead of 8. Out of the ordinary? I think not.
Since I was 8, my mom has been promising a huge summer-long road trip. I'm 15 now. We've been planning it for years, and it looks like we may be able to visit all 48 states of the main land. Hawaii and Alaska will have to wait. Being that it's just my mom and I, it's hard to make room for our trip in the budget, so when my mom found out that she was being laid off, I didn't know what to say. How are we supposed to pay our bills? And you know what she said? It's time to go on our road trip.
Laura's Thoughts: y favorite part of this story was the ending - would make a great movie! "Kept floating around quietly" is a great descriptive phrase. I like the second paragraph on it's own but it felt a bit awkward in the middle of a story about traveling - I guess maybe it was further explaining the main character's personality?
My American Girl's Story's Thoughts: I love how simple this one is. I can tell she really wants to go on a roadtrip! I love your story, and really love how you started it with questions, etc. I don't think that the story matches the photo as much as it could.
London's Entry
The crimson colored leaves cracked beneath Paige Knowles’ brown leather boots. She wiped the sweat off her brow and pushed her glasses up. She cautiously paced forward. This was her big story. She wouldn’t, no, couldn’t let her boss – her father – down. She was bent on becoming the best reporter and this was her chance. She was told it could be savage. As far as she knew, no one had journeyed to the area where she now was in for at least a century. Her dad may have dramatized it a bit. Crack. She flipped her head around looking for someone or something. She didn’t see anything so she carried on.
“Its ok, Paige, your fine. It was nothing. You’re gonna do this. You got this. You got this.” She said to herself.
As she walked on, she discovered a ladder hanging from a tree so she snapped some pictures and upon taking a deep breath, shimmied up it. Up the ladder she found an old tree house filled with books and chests. She went in cautious and vigilant. She took pictures of the books. There were books about pirates, books about the oceans, books about ships, and upon a desk was an open family heritage book. She took a picture before investigating it more closely. She had never heard of the people on the page. A handful were circled. George and Mary Tenner and their daughter, Morgan. Bonny Dent, Harold Curd, Ignatius Gonzalez, and Howell Wenter. It was an old book and these people lived in the 1800s.
“Weird.” She murmured.
After flipping a few pages, she walked over to one of the chests. There was an old rusty lock and it was easy for her to break it. She opened it and saw a bunch of swords and daggers. She took a picture and picked one up. She felt the blade in awe. She’d never laid eyes on a real sword before. She put it back and went to the next trunk. That one just had a bunch of cobwebs. The subsequent one had the same. She advanced on all the way to the back of the tree house and found a bed hanging up high. She climbed up and found a compact chest behind the pillow. She opened it and was flabbergasted upon catching sight of all the gold and then a family tree that went to the 1920s. Starting with Morgan Tenner, the final person was named George. George Knowles. Her great grandfather.
“Today’s headlines – Golden Ancestry.” She breathed.
So there you have it! WONDERFUL entries!! Everyone did a great job!! Now its your turn!! Which one lift you wanting more? Which do you like best? Comment below with your answers!! :)
Tribute To Mia (AKA Kanani)
Hello everyone! London here! I just figured I'd post a nice little tribute of Mia. Sorry, Kanani. Mum says I need to call her Kanani since she's being sold. Its rather hard to see a doll go. She's not gone yet!! No haha. We will hopefully do one last photo shoot with her. But for now I am going to post pictures of her. :) (I am pretty sure this is the accurate timeline...some may be out of order but most are correct)

The very FIRST picture of her. The day she arrived.
Out of the box!!
Exploring her new home (first day)
Ballet class with
Playing dolls
Bunny statue!
Mum says don't be mean...but I've seen other pics of the doll on the right...she's a wee bit scary!
On the plane
Beautiful scenery
Stage dive gone wrong
Up late!!!
Jedi in training
With the gals!
Mum loved this outfit!
From 'The Dream Job' intro
We're all in LOVE with roses
Picture picture picture!
Beach trip!
Love this scenery!
Such beautiful buds! :P

Recent photo shoot

Doesn't she look so pretty here?
All of us gals.
And her most recent picture for eBay.
Well thats everything!! Kanani through the years! Its sad to see her go and we're all sad. But we all love her and will send her with our best. :)
~London W. Baker
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